
FPS is a proud participant of community-driven initiatives that promote sustainability, food hygiene and safety, as well as environmentally-sound practices. As part of the global food supply chain as a food processing manufacturer, FPS calls attention to access to safe, healthy food for all.

World Food Safety Day 2023

FPS Food Process Solutions celebrates World Food Safety Day 2023 on June 7 by keeping to its promise of upholding hygienic standards in food processing. This year’s theme “Food standards save lives” launched by the World Health Organization, calls on established food safety practices and standards, which ensure food safety and quality. As an industrial food freezer manufacturer, FPS knows that upholding hygienic standards in the food processing stage is a major step where contamination can occur. Through detailed attention to sanitary freezer design and best manufacturing practices, FPS has been leading the way in ensuring safe food processing can be achieved during this stage.

Food Safety/Food Waste Reduction

Everyone has the right to safe food and sustainable food systems that reduce food waste. By giving back to the community, FPS ensures everyone has access to the most basic need - safe, quality food.

Children’s Health and Wellbeing

Our next generation of children should be healthy and well. In order to give back, be it in the form of food, toys or even medical treatment, FPS is proud to make a difference in a child’s life.

Disease Awareness

Disease awareness is important no matter what it is and who you are. Through donation drives and company policies, FPS Food Process Solutions is proud to help others who need it the most.